Golden Gloves EDU
Golden Gloves Education Is Worth The Fight

Put the Gloves on and Fight Honest & Hard
for a Great Education

Why Education is Important
Education gives people the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in this world. No one in their right mind will hire a dummy.

Examples of Successful Educated People
Pastor Timothy often speak of how his beloved mother Judy who received her master's degree from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, is his inspiration for higher learning.

Learning Strategies
Over the past ten years Pastor Timothy has traveled to Japan, Kazakhstan and all over the USA sharing his amazing story how education continues to enrich his blessed Christian life with a heart willing to learn!

Pastor Timothy Williams is the Founder and CEO of Golden Gloves EDU. He was born with a learning disorder and was unable to read and spell until his mid 20's. At age 18, he went astray and lost his way for several years looking for a father figure in those no good streets. Despite him being an optimistic teenager working two after school part-time jobs with high hopes of being a pro football player and pro boxer, he abandoned his Christian faith and stopped attending the Christian Church services with his devoted Christian grandmother Mazell Williams. Pastor Timothy will admit that Satan took him hostage for several years into his early 20's. Today, education has become a pillar in his life and helped him overcome obstacles on his road to success. In 2012, he earned a 4.0 GPA in college majoring in criminal justice, a major achievement. He loves helping others find their way in the Christian faith, and he takes pride in the fact that his past wrong doings did not involve the elderly, children or abusing women. Like the 1983 movie Scarface, he also lives by a code, do not harm children, do not harm the elderly, and do not harm and disrespect a woman. He preaches to abusive men, "Our beloved grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunts are women! We must protect women." This is one of the many reasons why he volunteers his time going into prisons around the world sharing his amazing testimony and how the gospel of peace rescued him from being a sinful man. Back when he decided to rededicate his life to Christianity, a drug-lord asked him to do a deal for 1.5 million dollars. Pastor Timothy instead walked away from all that money and chose the Lord Jesus! Many of his peers have always admired him for dating beautiful looking women while other insecure and ugly looking men and women have despised him for being a handsome and dapper man of God. However, he prays that his best quality is his heart, not his looks or the sharp way that he dresses. He was a single man throughout his six years of studying to become an ordained evangelist/pastor, in which he vowed to the Lord Jesus, not to date a woman while in seminary. His six years of celibacy put him on a faith level beyond many other Christians. He is an advocate for abused women, he has volunteered as a motivational speaker for abused women at Access Capabilities in Pahoa, Hawaii. The program director Abilene respects him for helping many to change their bad behavior. He understands that women who have experienced sexual abuse are at a significantly higher risk of experiencing a range of mental health conditions. His prayers are not in vain for the healing of all abused children, the elderly, women, and men. He hopes that they call on the name of Jesus Christ to be healed! Pastor Timothy preaches to men, "How all men should respect women, and see women as sisters in Christ Jesus," (1 Timothy 5:2). He has a serious demeanor, but his fruits/good works clearly shows that the genuine LOVE of the Lord Jesus lives within his heart. Satan hates him and would try to falsely accuse him of any and everything. He teaches, if you are being falsely accused, leap/jump for joy and say, "For it is written, Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for behold, your reward is great in Heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets," (LUKE 6: 22 & 23). Amen! Amen! Clearly, anyone who cannot see the amazing light of this man of God, is either a baby Christian or jealous. "It's not worth losing your Salvation and burning in Hell, bearing false witness against the Lord Jesus' anointed, which is the ninth Commandment," a quote spoken by Pastor Timothy Williams regarding Satan deceiving the simple.
Pastor Timothy enjoys catching big fish, which is why he posted a picture of him and Ice-T, one of his old street comrades turned actor/rapper. Many know "Ice-T" as being a notorious hustler/gangster who changed his life, Pastor Timothy followed his example. He Loves encouraging others such as Lawrence Taylor/"L.T." (NFL Hall of Fame 1999), Pastor Massai Z. Dorsey (Actor, Business Owner), Chad Thomas/"Brahma Bull" former MMA Champion, Carlos Sadino, Joseph Feliciano WBC referee, Joseph Williams, Norris Reece, Kevin Sample, Wesley McDowell. Pastor Timothy is a well-known and highly acclaimed motivational speaker, specializes in providing insights, guidance and enthusiasm tailored to fit the unique needs of each audience. Realtor Lisa Roach calls Pastor Timothy Williams, a lightning bolt, sister Carol calls him the equalizer, sister Sandra calls him TRD (the real deal). He humbly accepts their praises and gives all the glory to the Lord Jesus, for the Holy Ghost working through him. For it is written in, (First CORINTHIANS 1:31), "In your glory, ye shall glorify the Lord Jesus."
L.A. California, ghetto neighborhoods were once known as being the wickedest place on the earth. Pastor Timothy led not one but seven of the most notorious gangsters to the Cross of Jesus Christ; namely, Garry Floyd/aka "big-forehead" a notorious crip, Ronald/aka "black-ron" a notorious blood, Tommy/aka "big-tom" a notorious skinhead, Thomas/aka "big-hotdog" a notorious crip, Joseph Gonzalez/aka "j-j" a notorious Mexican gangster, Dwayne Capers/aka "big-hawk" a notorious crip, and Alfred Fobbs/aka "big-bam" a notorious crip. He spoke boldly to these ruthless men that the Holy Bible, commands us Christians, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new," (First CORINTHIANS 5:17). He understands that we are fishermen of men; however, the Lord Jesus, has made Pastor Timothy a fisherman of catching whales/ruthless men. His fruit clearly shows that he is a Kingdom builder and devil chaser, he has purpose and principles that he lives by, eternal hope, and a prophet. Please feel free to contact this amazing Christian king/bishop, in the Almighty Name of the Lord Jesus!
New Book Release!

Available at Lulu.com, Amazon, Barnes & Nobles
Newly Released Gospel Album
by Pastor Timothy Williams
2022 Hilo, HI
12-year-old Hilo boy wins Golden Gloves EDU Scholarship Award
2019 Kona, HI
$1K awarded to Kona college student for penning essay
2017 Hilo, HI

2021 Kona, HI
Kona girl, 8, sets eyes on Olympic gold medal in boxing
2018 Kona, HI
Message with a punch:
Golden Gloves nonprofit urges Kona kids to fight for education
2016 Baton Rouge, LA

Amazing People